CRAFFT Patient Information

What would taking part involve?

If you decide you would like to be involved in the study you will be asked to sign a consent form.

Getting started

If you decide you would like your child to take part, a member of the study team will ask you to complete:

  1. A consent form. Older children will also be asked to complete an assent form whereby the child also gives their permission to take part.
  2. A contact information form so we can contact you about your child’s recovery.
  3. A questionnaire about pain, activities and feelings, and very brief information about your child’s medical history. This should take about 5-10 minutes.

Basic information (such as your child’s age and which hospital you are in) will be entered onto a computer, which will decide which treatment your child will receive.

What is the treatment?

  1. Treat the broken bone in a plaster cast, allowing the bone to grow back into the right position naturally.
  2. Put the bones back in the right position. Your child will need a general anaesthetic or sedation to straighten the broken bone, which will then be held in place with a plaster cast and, if necessary, a metal plate or wires.

The treatment your child receives will be chosen by a computer. The computer will fairly allocate your child to one of the treatment groups. By looking at everyone’s care together, we can then improve our understanding about the best way to treat these injuries in the future.

What happens during recovery?

During your child’s recovery, we will contact you by text message and/or email (at 4pm and approaching bedtime at 7pm) after six weeks, three months, six months, 12 months, and then annually until three years after joining the study.

We will ask questions about pain, activities, feelings, school attendance and any costs that you may have incurred in relation to this injury (i.e. days absent from work etc). It is important that you try and complete the questionnaires with your child as soon as possible after they are received. We will send you an advance notification that a questionnaire will be on its way and reminders if they are not completed. We will use a small image in any e-mails that we send to you to let us know when you have opened the e-mail. We will use this information so that we can improve the timing of sending you and other participants information about your participation in this study.

If the questionnaire is not completed, we will send you a reminder after a few days (by phone, text or e-mail based on your preference). If it is not completed after one week, or if we have any queries about the information you have already provided, we may contact you to ask the questions over the telephone or by email/text.

We are able to offer a £10 gift voucher at 12 months after joining the study to reimburse you for the costs of your internet data.

Any routine images of the wrist taken during your child’s recovery will be collected at 12 months and three years, where available.

Will there be extra tests?

No. This study asks you and/or your child some extra questions, and makes use of the routine information that your doctor collects, but we will do no additional tests.

Generic videos about clinical trials

Why do we do trials?

What is a trial?

Consent and Assent

Who is in a research team?