CRAFFT Patient Information

About the study

Your child has been diagnosed with a break of the forearm bone near the wrist. This is a common injury that with either treatment normally heals well over time.


Doctors are not sure whether it is best to:

  1. Treat the broken bones in a plaster cast, allowing the bones to grow back into the right position naturally.
  2. Put the bones back in the right position. Your child will need a general anaesthetic or sedation to straighten the broken bone, which will then be held in place with a plaster cast and, if necessary, a metal plate or wires.

We will involve at least 750 children from across the UK, with the same injury as your child. This is a randomised study, which means that the treatment given to your child will be chosen by a computer. The computer will fairly divide the participating children between the treatments. By looking at everyone’s care together, we can then improve our understanding about the best way to treat these injuries in the future.

You will be asked to complete some questions with your child about their pain, activities and feelings. These questions will be asked when you decide to take part, and on four further occasions over the next 12 months. To assess the longer-term effects of the injury, we will also ask the same questions at the two and three year anniversary of the injury.

A link to the questions will be sent to your mobile phone or e-mail address and should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

You may be invited to take part in a sub-study exploring your experience of your child’s injury, its impact on their daily life and your experience of being asked to participate this study.

Generic videos about clinical trials

Why do we do trials?

What is a trial?

Consent and Assent

Who is in a research team?