CRAFFT Patient Information
Does my child have to take part?
You are free to decide whether or not you wish for your child to take part. Your decision will not affect the level of care your child will receive.
What if you change your mind?
If you prefer for your child not to be part of this study, this will not change the level of care they will receive. You can change your mind about participating at any time and can contact the research team using the electronic forms that you receive.
You can stop being part of the study at any time, without giving a reason, but we will keep information about you that we already have.
If you choose to stop taking part in the study, we would like to continue collecting information about your child’s health from your hospital or your GP. If you do not want this to happen, tell us and we will stop.
Should you wish to withdraw, simply contact the study office or Trial Manager on 01865 228929 or email [email protected] and a staff member will guide you through the withdrawal process. Alternatively you may wish to contact your local research leads who will assist you.